Both Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan attended the premiere of 3 Idiots but did not cross paths. SRK made an extremely late entry as he was at an event elsewhere in the suburbs
Both Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan attended the premiere of 3 Idiots but did not cross paths. SRK made an extremely late entry as he was at an event elsewhere in the suburbs. He reached the multiplex at around 12.45 am and sent a message to Aamir who came out of the auditorium to meet him.
Both chatted for a while and then SRK left. All this while Salman Khan was catching the film in Screen 4 so there was no way SRK and he would come aamne-saamne. Sallu arrived with 10 others and when asked about his pass requirements he quipped, "If there are no seats left, I will sit on the floor! True to his style!
Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan |
Salman Khan and Aamir Khan. pics/ sujit jaiswal |