If you Google Queen Victoria, some startling facts come up. First, she's the longest-reigning (64 years) female monarch ever, second she was the first Empress to rule India, and last but not the least she was the only ruling Queen to speak Hindi and Punjabi!
The Young Victoria
A; Drama
Director: Jean-Marc Vallee
Cast: Emily Blunt, Rupert Friend, Paul Bettany, Miranda Richardson and Mark Strongu00a0u00a0
'''What's it about: If you Google Queen Victoria, some startling facts come up. First, she's the longest-reigning (64 years) female monarch ever, second she was the first Empress to rule India, and last but not the least she was the only ruling Queen to speak Hindi and Punjabi!
Set in 1837, Emily Blunt plays the young queen, who's forced into a power struggle at a very early age. The only real drama in her life was fighting off her mother's (Miranda) advisor (Strong) and not falling in their trap. Knowing that she's destiny's child, Victoria makes the wisest decision by marrying Prince Albert (Friend).u00a0
What's hot: It's a period film, prepare to watch lots of ballroom dancers, exquisite and elaborate gowns; and get transported to the aristocracy of the 1800s. Perhaps the least controversial monarchs of England, Victoria has a lot going for her. Blunt sinks her teeth into the role and plays the Queen with grace. The chemistry between Blunt and Friend is fresh and young. Most of the highpoints in the film happen between the two lovers. Art direction and costumes are painstakingly accurate and beautiful.u00a0
What's not: Even though the film revolves around Victoria's ascent to the throne and the events following that, there are moments when you wish the plot had more background. A sense of void creeps into the second half as there is too much emphasis on the romance between Albert and Victoria.u00a0
What to do: YV might not be as contemporary as Helen Mirren's The Queen, yet it's a beautiful love story that will leave fans of period films gasping for more.