Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor's daughter Raha Kapoor is already a darling among their fans. While her pictures are yet to be officially released, people are curious to listen to adorable stories about her from her star parents. The actors requested the paparazzi to not leak visuals of Raha without their permission.
In an interview with InStyle Australia, Alia discussed the things she cannot do in India due to her star status. The actress shared she is unable to take a stroll with her daughter in Mumbai as people recognise her in the city and country. "We can't really do that in India... I can't take her out like that, it becomes a little complicated for us. So just walking around and watching her fall asleep in her pram, taking her to cafes and shopping. I put her in my little carrier and she's just like, strapped onto me. That's something that I really cherish," Alia shared.
In February, Alia raised an alarm on social media after a few cameramen breached her privacy. She slammed a publication for carrying pictures of her relaxing at home without her consent. Sharing a screenshot of the picture, the actress wrote on her Instagram stories, "Are you kidding me? I was at my house having a perfectly normal afternoon sitting in my LIVING ROOM when I felt something watching me... I looked up and saw two men on the terrace of my neighbouring building with a camera right at me! In what world is this okay and allowed? This is a gross invasion of someone's privacy! There's a line you just cannot cross and it's safe to say all lines were crossed today!"
Speaking about Raha's privacy and not allowing her pictures to be out on social media, Alia said in an interview with Vogue, "Ranbir and I are very clear on how long we don't want Raha to be in the public eye for. We don't even want to post her pictures on social media. I just don't feel comfortable with any sort of conversation around my little baby right now."
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She added, "There have been so many good wishes, so many blessings. I'm constantly referred to as Raha's mommy, which I love and find it very cute. But that's all I'm okay with right now. I'm very protective of the people I love. And I genuinely don't think that a baby needs to be a public personality. Again, that's my opinion right now. We'll take each day as it comes. We also have to be practical as individuals in the public eye. And it's not like we're saying nobody can see her ever. It's just for now. And people have mostly been very respectful about that."