Anupam Kher unveiled the first look of his portrayal of renowned Bengali poet and philosopher, Rabindranath Tagore, for an upcoming film. Taking to social media, he expressed gratitude for the opportunity to bring the Nobel Laureate to the screen. However, the response to his look was mixed, with some praising it while others criticized the decision. Addressing the feedback, Anupam Kher shared his perspective on the matter.
He acknowledged the effort put in by his team to create the iconic look as Rabindranath Tagore, which garnered widespread attention. Despite receiving negative comments, Anupam Kher remained unfazed, stating, "Around 99% of the people who I sent the image asked me why I am sending them Tagore's picture. There are 86,400 seconds in a day, and if someone says such things for 10 seconds, I will not waste my other seconds thinking about it."
However, the idea of Kher playing the role of the poet laureate has not gone down well with some. Paatal Lok actress Swastika Mukherjee expressed her views on the same. Without taking any names, Swastika tweeted, "No one should play Robi Thakur. Leave the man alone." Many Bengalis agreed with her, while a few shared their different take on the matter. One of them commented, "Tagore was a brilliant Thinker and an exceptional poet. He has a huge contribution in shaping modern Bengalis. His story must be told.
Dismissing the criticism, Anupam Kher questioned if the concerned person was Tagore's spokesperson and found the comment absurd. Anupam Kher emphasized the team's dedication to creating the look, investing almost two months of effort, with an additional three months for him to perfect the expression. He acknowledged that criticism is inevitable in the world but chose to focus on the appreciation they received for their hard work.
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Anupam Kher's commitment to portraying Rabindranath Tagore and the extensive effort behind the first look reflect his dedication to the character. While the response may be divided, his determination to present an authentic portrayal stands firm. As the film's development progresses, it remains to be seen how the portrayal of the legendary figure will be received by audiences.