The cast of Ekta Kapoor and Anil Kapoor's upcoming film, Thank You For Coming, was invited to the new Parliament building in New Delhi. Bhumi Pednekar, Shehnaaz Gill, Dolly Singh and Shibani Bedi took a tour of the building with Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Anurag Thakur. Their visit took place days after the Women's Reservation Bill was introduced in the Lok Sabha. The bill seeks to provide a 33 percent quota for women in parliament and state legislative assemblies.
Reacting to the Women's Reservation Bill, Bhumi said in her statement to ANI, "As a modern Indian woman, representation is very important for us. When women are in positions of power, there will be a female gaze in debates, policies, and law-making -- this is very important. This is an era of women. It is a matter of pride for us that we came here with our cast (film Thank You For Coming)."
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Shehnaaz shared with ANI, "It's a great step. I am a woman myself and if we are given rights and equal treatment, it will be a big deal. That way, even parents will support the girl child. I come from a small village where girls are married off so that they get âsettled'. But after this, if girls and boys are treated equally, a lot of things in the country will change."
Ekta shared pictures of the cast of Thank You For Coming from the new Parliament building. She wrote, "We are deeply honored to be invited to visit the New Parliament. As a team of women, we are proud to see our country making progressive changes towards the betterment of the nation. The Women Reservation Bill: Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam is a momentous step towards empowerment and upliftment. It paves a great path for Indian women of all backgrounds to take charge and lead us into a brighter future."
Kangana Ranaut and Esha Gupta also visited the new Parliament building. They also got to witness the first proceedings of the house. Kangana said in a statement, "BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi could have discussed anything, but they took the matter of women empowerment by giving priority to women. This is fantastic."