Heavy police security was deployed outside the iconic Mannat residence of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan. This security measure was a response to a gathering of protesters who had converged to voice their grievances against the actor's endorsement of online gaming apps. The demonstrators contended that these apps not only lead astray, but also corrupt the youth, and that celebrities should refrain from lending their support to such platforms. The Untouch Youth Foundation took a prominent stance in this movement, announcing its intention to stage a protest against various online gaming apps including Junglee Rummy and Zupee.
In a formal statement released by the organization spearheading the protest, they expressed, "The new generation is involved in playing Junglee rummy. If someone is playing Junglee rummy or gambling outside, the police arrest them, but big Bollywood stars promoting online games are misleading the young generation. The Bollywood stars also know it is wrong, but they are getting money so they are promoting them. We make these stars famous by watching their movies and spending our money on them. We demand these advertisements to stop. These apps are illegal, we can not find them on Google, but these apps are uploaded on private web sites."
Adal went on to elaborate, "Apart from Shah Rukh Khan, we oppose Ajay Devgn, Rakul Preet Singh, Prakash Raj, Annu Kapoor, Rana Daggubati and cricketers who promote the online game. We wanted to protest outside the houses of these stars as well, but the police detained us."
For those unaware, Shah Rukh Khan serves as the brand ambassador for A23 Games, an online rummy platform. The actor can be heard echoing the tagline "Chalo Saath Khelein" (Let's Play Together) in the advertisement while promoting the gaming app.
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In the heart of this impassioned movement lies a fundamental dialogue about the responsibility that accompanies fame and influence. The protest outside Mannat, marked by heavy police presence, shines a spotlight on the intricate connection between celebrity endorsements and their impact on societal values. It ignites a broader conversation about the power celebrities wield in shaping public opinion and discourse.