In deeply tragic news, Sahara Group founder Subrata Roy passed away in a hospital in Mumbai on Tuesday. An official statement was put out regarding the death, which read, ""It is with profound sadness that Sahara India Pariwar informs the demise of our Hon'ble âSaharasri' Subrata Roy Sahara, Managing Worker and Chairman, Sahara India Pariwar."
The statement further said, "Saharasri ji an inspirational leader and visionary, passed away on 14th November 2023 at 10.30 pm due to cardiorespiratory arrest following an extended battle with complications arising from metastatic malignancy, hypertension, and diabetes. He was admitted to Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital & Medical Research Institute (KDAH) on 12th November, 2023 following a decline in health."
"The loss will be deeply felt by the entire Sahara India Pariwar. Saharasri ji was a guiding force, a mentor, and a source of inspiration for all who had the privilege to work alongside him. Details regarding last rites will be communicated in due course," the statement concluded
Now, hours after his passing, Sonu Nigam who has always shared a deep bond with the businessman took to Instagram to say his goodbye publicly. He posted a cheerful picture of Subrata Roy and penned the post, "My dear Dada.... Till we meet again."
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Many took to the comment section of Sonu Nigam's post to pay their respects. Messages of 'OM Shanti" and "R.I.P" flooded the comment section.
Sonu Nigam and Subrata Roy have shared a great friendship over the years. Even when the late businessman got into a few kerfuffles, Sonu Nigam was always there to defend him. In 2013, Sonu Nigam had even performed at the annaprashan ceremony of the businessman's granddaughter. On several occasions, Sonu Nigam has gone on record to laud the businessman for his good character.
Anupam Kher took to 'X' (formerly Twitter) to pay his respect, he said, "Saddened to know about the demise of Sahara Shri #SubrataRoy Ji! Met him many times on different occasions! He was always ready to help, kind and larger than life. May god rest his soul in peace! Om Shanti!"