Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha's wedding extravaganza in the picturesque city of Udaipur had the entire nation abuzz with excitement. As the paparazzi clamored for every tidbit of news, all eyes were naturally fixated on the radiant bride herself, Parineeti Chopra. The Bollywood starlet chose none other than the maestro of Indian fashion, Manish Malhotra, to weave her bridal dreams into reality.
Manish Malhotra, the virtuoso behind Parineeti's bridal attire, shared some fascinating insights into her lehenga. It wasn't just any ensemble; it was a canvas of emotions and heritage. Parineeti Chopra desired to pay homage to her beloved Nani by incorporating her traditional challa (keychain) into the bridal attire. This simple yet profound gesture was an ode to her grandmother, who used to don the same challa on her saree. For Parineeti, the sound of the challa was a symphony of strength and grace echoing through her childhood home. Manish Malhotra didn't stop there. He ingeniously incorporated elements that were deeply significant to both Parineeti and Raghav, including nods to London, music, and Khanda Sahib. The result was a lehenga that told a story, not just of fashion, but of love and legacy.
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The bridal ensemble was elevated by a bespoke trailing veil with 'à ¤°à ¤¾à ¤Âà ¤µ' (Raghav) intricately embroidered onto it. This personalized touch added an additional layer of romance to Parineeti's look, as the veil fluttered behind her, bearing her groom's name. Parineeti's emerald jewelry and the tone-on-tone geometrical intricate artwork were nothing short of exquisite. It was a testament to the designer's love and admiration for the bride.
For the Sangeet ceremony, Parineeti Chopra opted for a minimalistic yet stunning white ensemble. She paired a silver-colored sleeveless blouse with wide-legged pants, exuding an air of sophistication. The ensemble was adorned with intricate crystals, studs, and elaborate embellishments, making her shine even brighter on her special day. Parineeti's makeup was a masterpiece. A smoky eye, bold kohl-rimmed lids, and vibrant pink lips accentuated her features. Her sculpted and contoured cheeks perfectly complemented her minimalistic look.
Meanwhile, Raghav Chadha, the groom, was the epitome of style in a meticulously crafted three-piece outfit. Designed by his uncle, fashion designer Pawan Sachdeva, the sharp black achkan, matching pants, and sleek black blazer jacket exuded suave sophistication.
Parineeti Chopra's bridal journey was a harmonious blend of tradition, emotion, and sheer elegance. Manish Malhotra's artistry, coupled with Parineeti's personal touch, resulted in bridal looks that will be etched in our memories for years to come.