Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times after an intruder attacked him at his Bandra residence. He underwent a five-hour surgery at the nearby Lilavati Hospital, and today he has been discharged. The actor was seen reaching his residence. Check out the pics below
Updated On: 2025-01-21 07:05 PM IST
Compiled by : Shachi Chaturvedi
Saif Ali Khan was snapped outside his house at Satguru Sharan today
The actor, who was stabbed six times by an intruder, was clicked after he got discharged from the hospital
As Saif walked with heavy security, the camera spotted his one hand bandaged
The actor, who fought bravely with the robber, was seen wearing a white shirt and blue jeans
Earlier in the morning, Kareena Kapoor was clicked at Lilavati ahead of Saif's discharge
Sara Ali Khan had reached Lilavati Hospital before Saif Ali Khan was discharged
The actress was clicked entering the hospital, earlier today
Kareena Kapoor Khan and her sister Karisma Kapoor had arrived at Satguru Sharan building in Bandra (West), Mumbai
Karisma was seen wearing a blue shirt and matching pants