BMC set to spend R u0014 u0013 u0014 crore a day to fix roads this year But the increased spending is no guarantee that the city will become pothole- free PRAJAKTA u001f KASALE prajakta. kasale@ mid- day. com POTHOLE . FREE roads continue to elude Mumbaikars despite Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation ( BMC) spending around R . . . crore/ day on construction and repair in the last six years. In the next financial year, BMC plans to spend R u0014 u0090 u008f u0013 u0013 crore on roads ( . per cent more than . u0013 u0014 . - . u0013 ) , which works out to R u007f . u007f crore/ day. u00bb P u001c u001a u2018 There u001f are u001f multiple u001f reasons u001f why u001f potholes u001f appear u001e u001f Heavy u001f rain u001f and u001f traffic u001f are u001f not u001f the u001f only u001f ones u001e u001f Roads u001f have u001f utilities u001f underneath u001e u001f They u001f are u001f dug u001f up u001f several u001f times u001f and u001f are u001f not u001f filled u001f properly u001f post- worku2019 u001f An official from the Roads Department R 7,219 CRORE Amount spent on roads from March 2014 to Dec 2019 Workers fill potholes on the road outside Bandra railway station on the east. FILE PIC