24 January,2018 05:32 PM IST | New Delhi | IANS
Change is the only constant thing and it applies to the beauty and makeup industry as well. There are always new and creative trends one can see coming every year and some that one should avoid. Pallavi Mehra, Marketing Manager at VanityCask and Davinder Kaur, Makeup expert at MyGlamm list some beauty trends that need a goodbye in 2018.
1. Using excessive amount of highlighter: Highlighters have been extremely popular the last few years. One big mistake that most of the people make is using excessive highlighter on their faces. Another big no is using coloured highlighters. Always remember we use a highlighter to give our self a pretty and a subtle glowing look.
2. Overly done contouring: Just like highlighters, contouring is also extremely popular. However, its time to get rid of overly done contouring.
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3. Dramatic eyebrows: Natural eyebrows look the best. Moving from gorgeous natural eyebrows to wavy, squiggly, ponytail eyebrows, glitter or feathered eyebrows is one trend that immediately needs to be dumped. Such creativity looks good only on your social media posts. It's time to bid farewell to the disturbingly creative eyebrows.
4. Silicone sponge: One of the reasons to avoid this trend is because it takes more time to blend.
5. Faux freckles: The trend of fake freckles was first spotted in London Fashion Week. In this fake dots were created using the Brow marker. Beauty experts have agreed that freckles make the face appear more youthful, fresh, and more accessible. However, they should be natural or else, they can make a face look funny too.
6. Overdrawn lips: Love your natural lips and define them as your best feature on the face.
7. Excessive contouring and highlighting: Excessively contoured face trend definitely needs to die. This whole trend creates unnatural lines in the hopes of reconstructing your face. You may think you look snatched, but you really just have sharp lines drawn on the hollows of your face. Pick up the right products and know how to apply them.
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