Mumbai police on Sunday said that a 30-year-old man who attacked Saif Ali Khan at the actor's residence in Bandra west area of Mumbai has been arrested. Pics/Anurag Ahire
Updated On: 2025-01-19 05:31 PM IST
Compiled by : Asif Ali Sayed
Mumbai Police has also booked the attacker Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad for allegedly entering India illegally from Bangladesh, officials said on Sunday
The police said that he was booked under Section 3(A) and 6(A) of the Indian Entry Prohibition Act, 1948, as well as Sections 3(1) and 14 of the Foreigners Order, 1946
He was living in India under the alias Vijay Das and had been residing in the city for the past 5-6 months, working in housekeeping and doing odd jobs, police said
A Mumbai court on Sunday remanded him in police custody till January 24 after observing that the police's contention of an international conspiracy cannot be ruled out
Saif Ali Khan (54) was attacked multiple times, after which he underwent a five-hour surgery in Lilavati Hospital. his condition is now stable
Saif was rushed to the Lilavati Hospital in an auto rickshaw after suffering multiple wounds in the attack