The cheapest model is priced at Rs 29,000 while the high-end version costs Rs 50,000
The cheapest model is priced at Rs 29,000 while the high-end version costs Rs 50,000Over a month after Apple launched its latest version of iPad in the US, it confirmed that the tech savvy Indians would be able to own the new gadget too by Friday, April 29. Earlier, the company took flak when it launched its original iPad in India after a nine month delay of its launch in the US. So the newer version is making an early foray into India and 11 other countries, including China and Japan this time.
Geared up: The new iPad 2 will be sleeker, lighteru00a0 with two cameras
allowing the user to do 'facetime' for the first time. File picFeaturesiPad 2 will be thinner and lighter than the original iPad. While maintaining the same 9.7-inch LED-backlit LCD screen, it will feature Apple's new dual-core A5 processor for fast performance and clear graphics. It also includes two cameras, a front-facing VGA camera that will bring FaceTime for ipad users for the first time, and a rear-facing camera for high quality video capture. Its battery life is expected to be about 10 hours.
PricingThe basic iPad 2 model with 16 GB storage, sans 3G is priced at Rs 29,500 while the high end model with 64 GB memory and all the features is priced at Rs 46,900.