Uttar Pradesh police conducted a mock drill at various sites of the Mahakumbh Mela Nagar in preparation for the large religious event. Uttar Pradesh's Director General of Police (DGP) Prashant Kumar personally inspected the ongoing security arrangements for the Mahakumbh Mela, set to begin on January 13. (PICS/PTI)
Updated On: 2025-01-05 12:16 PM IST
Compiled by : Anisha Shrivastava
Uttar Pradesh Minister JPS Rathore confirmed that over 45 crore devotees are expected to attend the Mahakumbh this year, with Prayagraj fully prepared to host them. The Uttar Pradesh Culture Department will set up 20 stages at key locations across Prayagraj, where folk dance performances from various Indian states will showcase the country's diverse cultural heritage