22 March,2024 04:40 AM IST | Mumbai | The Editorial
Debris being dumped on an open plot close to a mangrove site in Ulwe near Navi Mumbai
Mumbai-based environmentalists have exposed alleged illegal dumping activities taking place close to a mangrove patch in Ulwe, near Navi Mumbai. In a video posted on social media, a dumper can be seen disposing of mud on an open plot close to mangroves.
In the video, tagging the chief minister, mangrove cell officer and collector, Raigad district, an environmentalist asked if this was the way mangrove protection should happen, stating also that immediate action to stop violations of court orders that protect mangroves and buffer zones.
Dumping will prove that the authorities are serious about protecting our green cover. There violators too, need to be hauled up. The action should of course be aimed at preventing the loss of mangrove cover through encroachment. That is the first step so that erosion can be attested at once. One has to save as much as one can. The punitive action is to make a statement that violators cannot get away with flouting orders, and if they think they can do so, there are going to be consequences. This is also a preventive measure so that other violators are not emboldened by any such actions and decide that there will be no repercussions if they follow suit.
Today, we have emphasis on greening. Several movements, some with public participation, are about environment, parks, planting trees and other such measures. In fact, we see more awareness. Yet, if people are allowed to destroy what already exists, all that talk about greening and planting trees seems hollow and superficial in fact.
It is the leaders, the authorities who have to ensure that our current environment infra stands protected, only then these other movements many of which have goodwill and good intentions at heart become meaningful. It is time we see a non-negotiable response to this destruction of mangroves and green cover.