Microsoft is ready to roll out its newest operating system on Thursday
Microsoft is ready to roll out its newest operating system on ThursdayMicrosoft releases Windows 7 to the world on Thursday as the US software giant tries to regain its stride after an embarrassing stumble with the previous operating system Vista.
"It's a big deal for Microsoft," analyst Rob Enderle of Enderle Group in Silicon Valley said of the Windows 7 launch. "Windows Vista was a train wreck."
Unlike past years, when the company recruited the likes of the Rolling Stones, Jerry Seinfeld, and other cultural icons to help pitch its software, Microsoft is keeping things low key for Windows 7's debut. And with good reason. The company expended considerable resources to create buzz and consumer awareness around its previous OS, Windows Vista, only to watch the product get pilloried after its introduction in early 2007.
Critics complained Vista required too much computing horsepower, failed to maintain compatibility with older applications, and was full of annoying security features.