China won't pay heed to any dictation, says Xi Jinping

19 December,2018 08:00 AM IST |  Beijing  |  Agencies

In 80- minute speech, Jinping does not offer any indication of relaxation of Communist Partyu00c3u00a2u00c2u0080u00c2u0099s firm grip on political power or concrete policies

President Xi Jinping

China will not heed to any dictation by others on what it should do or what it should not, President Xi Jinping asserted Tuesday as the Communist giant celebrated the 40th anniversary of its reform and opening-up policies that have transformed it from an impoverished country into a global economic powerhouse.

But Xi's speech lasting over 80 minutes did not offer any indication of relaxation of the ruling Communist Party's firm grip on political power or concrete policies to tackle China's complex economic problems like slower growth and an ongoing trade war with the United States. At a grand ceremony held in Beijing's imposing Great Hall of the People, Xi praised the Chinese people's "hard work, wisdom and courage".

China's economy will produce "miracles that will impress the world" in the coming years, he said while noting that there is no textbook of golden rules to follow for reform and development in China, a country with over 5,000 years of civilisation and more than 1.3 billion people. "No one is in a position to dictate to the Chinese people what should or should not be done," he asserted amidst growing pressure from the Trump administration on Beijing on several fronts, including on trade and the Chinese military flexing its muscles in the strategic Indo-Pacific region.

"(We must) oppose the practices of imposing one's will upon others, interfering in others' internal affairs or the strong bullying the weak," he said. China is "increasingly approaching the centre of the world stage," he said and noted that the country pursues a defensive national defence policy.

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