Turtle films self, becomes YouTube hit

19 June,2010 07:52 AM IST |   |  Agencies

A sea turtle found a waterproof camera in the Caribbean, filmed itself and is now a YouTube sensation.

A sea turtle found a waterproof camera in the Caribbean, filmed itself and is now a YouTube sensation.

In May, US Coast Guard agent Paul Schultz found a digital camera in a waterproof case on a Florida beach and posted images he found on its memory chip on the Internet in an attempt to find its owner.

In a video clip dated January "a turtle came across the camera, and it's really hard to tell how, but it turns the camera on and recorded itself.
I thought first that someone was getting attacked by a sea creature," Schultz said. However, he later realised that it was just hitching a ride with a sea turtle.

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sea turtle waterproof camera Caribbean YouTube sensation