Plant-based diet improves Stephanie Rice's immune system

20 July,2020 09:25 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  A correspondent

stephanie said she tried different diets before settling on her current diet, which helped her improve her immune system

Stephanie Rice

Olympic medal-winning Australian swimmer Stephanie Rice, 29, has revealed that switching to a plant-based diet seven years ago has done a world of good to her body.

Stephanie said she tried different diets before settling on her current diet, which helped her improve her immune system. "I had really bad adrenal fatigue and was recovering from my third shoulder operation, so I was really focused on improving my immune system, reducing inflammation and increasing my energy. This naturally evolved to eating predominantly plant-based," Stephanie was quoted as saying by Australia's 9Honey website.

Stephanie does not call herself a vegan as she does enjoy a slice of cake occasionally. "I don't want to deprive myself of sharing special moments like this," added Stephanie, who feels people should do what works best for them - both from the physical and mental health perspective.

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