Ziqitza Healthcare
Medical Experts team at Ziqitza Health Care Limited says, that the possibility of a fatality is five times more likely in the construction industry than in a manufacturing industry, and the risk of a major injury is 2.5 times higher. Ziqitza Limited, as an Emergency Service Provider for the last 15 years believes that employees are the most important part of any organisation.
Dr Santosh Datar Medical Director, Ziqitza Healthcare Ltd, explains medical emergency strikes without warning. It may be in form of an accident, fainting, mental or sudden illness. Situations like these or fire at offshore projects or mishaps at construction sites, and others often require immediate medical assistance, lack of which, including a second’s delay can have fatal consequences. For this reason, having an Occupational Health Center along with trained paramedics can potentially save hundreds of lives, as a result of timely intervention in case of mishaps at construction projects by Builders or Project Constructions.
Through Occupational Health Center Unit set up on site we offer employers a large array of health services designed to maximize the effectiveness of your valued employees. As per Factories Act, it is a statutory requirement in Factories and Industries to have Occupational health along with physicians or doctors who are well qualified and available hands-on when required. At Ziqitza we provide highly qualified and trained Health Professionals who are available part time or full time as per the requirements. Similar OHC projects were managed by ZHL Rajasthan in the past.
In cases of construction sites or any Mega Infra Project, accident statistics fall on the higher side. Due to electrocution, injuries from tools, and machines, falling from a height, hazardous substances and even nails, there have been several cases of sever accidents on site. For such instances Ziqitza’s OHC service which provides a fully equipped & functional clinic with a trained paramedic can save many lives with its prompt and timely intervention. And with this not only do employers ensure the safety of their staff, but also create a caring impression as an organization.
Monitoring of occupational health hazards at the workplace is carried out with in-house team to ensure regularity and follow-ups. These OHCs help employees to access quality medical care and wellness while at work. Ziqitza Limited can assist you in managing manpower, day to day operations and all industrial health related compliances from time to time.
Speaking about the importance of OHC, Nandadeep Pandharkar – Sr. Vice President, Ziqitza Healthcare Limited said “Statistics suggest that at least 48,000 people die due to occupational accidents on a yearly basis in India. Ziqitza understand that each commercial set up is different and might have varies requirements and thus the service offering takes into account the infrastructure, location, number of people at any given time, hazards involved, working hours, proximity to the nearest health care facility. OHC will help in timely management of medical emergencies, boost staff morale and reduce legal liabilities of the organization in case of any untoward incident. It makes a good business sense as it is an investment and not an expense. We are currently serving over 75 leading corporate organisations & hospitals pan India to make their workplace safe. “
About Ziqitza Healthcare Limited
Ziqitza is an integrated healthcare solutions for corporate that include Ambulance at Site, Medical Helplines, Mobile Medical units Ambulance on Subscription, Wellness at Workplace, Telehealth Services, Medical Rooms, Doctors on Site and Occupational Health Centre, among others. Ziqitza Rajasthan & Ziqitza limited Rajasthan appreciated Ziqitza for sharing insights on OHC importance at factories & project sites.
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