While the third installment of the franchise disappoints, Vivek Oberoi's new release 'Jayantabhai Ki Luv Story' bites the dust
The last weekend has raked in mixed responses for its two releases. While Jayantabhai Ki Luv Story has proved to be a disaster, Murder 3 has met with an average response.
The trade feels that although much was expected out of the Bhatt production as both Murder 1 and Murder 2 had done well at the box office, Murder 3 has failed to live up to the expectations. But the fact that it was made on a stipulated budget will keep its investors happy.
That Bhatt film has managed to collect around Rs 10.90 crore in its first weekend (Friday - Rs 3.78 cr, Saturday - Rs 3.15 cr, Sunday - Rs 10.90 cr). On the other hand Jayantabhai Ki Luv Story has collected just Rs 1.40 crore in its first weekend (Friday being - Rs 48 lakh, Saturday - Rs 42 lakh and Sunday - Rs 50 lakh. )
The week before’s releases Special 26 and ABCD continue to do good business. For Special 26, the first week collections are Rs 39.07 crore and second weekend being at Rs 11.07 crore, making its grand total for the first 10 days Rs 50. 14 crore. ABCD meanwhile has collected about Rs 23.31 crore while the second weekend collected around Rs 5 crore, bringing its grand total to around Rs 29 crore in its first 10 days.
Trade analyst Atul Mohan says, “It’s a bad week and all I can say about Jayantabhai is that it is a loss story. Murder 3 murders the expectation from the franchise. It will prove to be a touch-and-go for its investors. Though the producers have made their money, the studio will not make much. Special 26 and ABCD continue to stand strong.”
Trdae pandit Amod Mehra says, “Both the films have been bad. The opening of Murder 3 was decent but dropped on Saturday and on Sunday too there was no improvement. The Sunday collections at most of the places were lower than Friday. As far as Jayantabhai goes, I think the audience has made up its mind to not see a Vivek Oberoi film. Nothing else can explain the dismal opening in spite of such good promotion.”
(Figures courtesy Box Office India)u00a0