Kajol attended two iftar bashes on Tuesday night - one hosted by Ekta Kapoor at a suburban hotel and Sanjay-Zarine Khan's party at their Juhu home
What caught attention was the gleaming white pair of wheels she was spotted zipping into at both the events.
Photos: Ekta Kapoor hosts an Iftar bash
The car’s bonnet had a bright red swastika mark - a clear telltale sign that it was a new purchase.u00a0Turns out that it was hubby Ajay Devgn’s gift to Kajol on her birthday (August 5).
Photos: Sanjay and Zarine Khan host an Iftar bash
Says a source, “Ajay surprised her with the car on her big day. Tuesday was the first time she was spotted in public in it. He felt giving her the latest pair of wheels was the best present for her.”