Megastar Amitabh Bachchan has reached 23 million followers on Facebook. Bachchan, who is currently in Maldives with his family, celebrated the milestone by thanking fans for their continued support
Megastar Amitabh Bachchan has reached 23 million followers on Facebook. Bachchan, who is currently in Maldives with his family, celebrated the milestone by thanking fans for their continued support.
FB 1236 - 23 MILLION !! Followers .. !! Thank you all for this milestone .. would be nothing without your support ..A...
Posted by Amitabh Bachchan on Friday, February 5, 2016
The 'Piku' star's Facebook account has been a one stop destination for his fans to connect, interact and engage with the actor.
Bachchan, who is yet to beat Salman Khan (29 million) on Facebook, however, surpassed Priyanka Chopra (18 million), Shah Rukh Khan, Akshay Kumar (both 17 million) and Aamir Khan (15 million).