Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif, who has been shooting non-stop for her upcoming film "Rajneeti" with Ranbir Kapoor on the streets of Bhopal, says it is "disgusting" to see television channels create controversies and indulge in "match-mixing" to raise TRPs.
Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif, who has been shooting non-stop for her upcoming film "Rajneeti" with Ranbir Kapoor on the streets of Bhopal, says it is "disgusting" to see television channels create controversies and indulge in "match-mixing" to raise TRPs.
"Nothing. Why should he (Salman) have anything to say about a scene from a film? It's a scene we shot for 'Rajneeti' on a street of Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh capital). Obviously some camera outside our unit shot and decided to up the channel's TRPs with one more scandal story. But it is disgusting," the defiant actress said.
She said it is a clear case of "match-mixing".
"People can easily see I'm dressed for the character in 'Rajneeti'. And am I so dumb as to indulge in a public display of affection with my co-star? Grant me more common sense," she said.
"We're all busy with our commitments. And I'm also busy fighting off strange allegations," sighs Katrina.
"First of all it's illegal to shoot people without their knowledge. And then how can they pass off a shot from a film as a paparazzi scoop?" she asked.