Bollywood veteran Rishi Kapoor, who is active on social media, is known for his wit and humour. On Tuesday, the actor showed off his funny side yet again with a hilarious tweet!
Fashion fail? Rishi Kapoor's tweet will leave you in splits!
Bollywood veteran Rishi Kapoor, who is active on social media, is known for his wit and humour. On Tuesday, the actor showed off his funny side yet again with a hilarious tweet!
Rishi Kapoor
Take a look:
Buy two get one begging bowl free. Sale at Zara's
— Us Kapoor's! (@chintskap) 27 June 2016
Funny, isn't it? Don't you love his sense of humour?
Meanwhile, Rishi Kapoor will be the guest of honour at the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne 2016 from August 11-21.