In a glittering inaugural ceremony held recently at Paris Gallery, Dubai Mall, celebrated Bollywood actress and the brand ambassador of Gili, Bipasha Basu, launched the latest collection of jewellery from one of the most renowned Indian jewellery brands, Gili.
This launch is part of the recently announced tie-up of Gitanjali and Paris Gallery. The newly opened Gitanjali outlet within the Paris Gallery store on Level 1 of the Dubai Mall will showcase a new, trendy range of Gili and Giantti Italia jewellery.u00a0
Paris Gallery is the eponymous flagship brand of the Paris Gallery Group, one of the most recognisable home-grown brands in the Middle East. India’s leading jewellery brands under the Gitanjali Group will be available at the Paris Gallery stores in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and Sharjah in the UAE as well as in Bahrain and Qatar.u00a0