Bollywood's superstar Aamir Khan, who completed his 25 years in filmdom this year, names "Titanic" star Leonardo DiCaprio and three-times Oscar-winning actor Daniel Day-Lewis as his favourite Hollywood actors
"I like a few Hollywood stars. I tend to forget English names, I like Leonardo DiCaprio and Daniel Day-Lewis for 'Lincoln'," said the actor here at the screening of Hollywood film "The Star Trek Into Darkness" along with filmmaker-wife Kiran Rao, Sunday.
Aamir, who is shooting for two films "Dhoom 3" and PeeKay" simultaneously, rues the fact that he rarely gets time to watch films and is happy to watch the recent Hollywood release, directed by JJ Abrams, which is the 12th installment of "Star Trek" franchise.
"I get to see film very rarely so I am happy that I am getting a chance to watch this film," said the 48-year-old actor.