The Indian film & Television Director's Association (IFTDA) will organise a special screening of an upcoming independent film "BHK [email protected]" tomorrow here.
The Indian film & Television Director's Association (IFTDA) will organise a special screening of an upcoming independent film 'BHK [email protected]' tomorrow here.
IFTDA who has earlier created master classes for renowned filmmakers like Padma Shri Mani Ratnam, have taken an initiative to support independent film makers and have organised a special screening for 'BHK [email protected]' directed by Rakesh Chaturvedi Om tomorrow at the Carnival Cinemas in suburban Oshiwara.
"I am honoured and obliged by this step of IFTDA. I am grateful to Ashwini Chaudhary and Ashoke Pandit for the unconditional support. 'BHK [email protected]' is an independent cinema and a situational comedy and very different from today's slapstick or double meaning comedy films," Rakesh said in a statement here.
"When I spoke to IFTDA about my film and all the hard work gone behind making this independent cinema, they were impressed and offered their support to this kind of family comedy cinema," he said.
Ashwini Chaudhary from IFTDA says, "IFTDA'S new initiative is to encourage and support new upcoming directors...premiere their forthcoming feature films. IFTDA is holding a premier of 'BHK [email protected]', a family entertainer."
Releasing on February 5, 'BHK [email protected]' is a comic caper featuring Ujjwal Rana, Inshika Bedi in the lead roles along with Manoj Pahwa, Seema Bhargwa and Benjamin Gillani.