Actress Manisha Koirala, whose comeback film "Dear Maya" is helmed by debutante Sunaina Bhatnagar, says younger directors are the future for the Hindi film industry
Manisha Koirala-one
Actress Manisha Koirala, whose comeback film "Dear Maya" is helmed by debutante Sunaina Bhatnagar, says younger directors are the future for the Hindi film industry.
"They are the future... Contemporary directors, the younger generation... They are making such beautiful movies which is not how we used to have it previously," Manisha told the media here.
The 46-year-old actress says they are touching upon newer subjects with different treatment.
"It's a great time. The younger generation, it's their time," she added.
Asked if she faced any difficulty in making her comeback, Manisha said: "I don't know if I had any difficulty. I'm more focussed about what challenges I have in my hand. That time I was just trying to do my part as an actor and beyond that I don't look."
"Dear Maya", which tells the story of a woman in search of love, is set to release on Friday.