The trouble with animation as a genre is that it's assumed to be meant for kids alone. However, Delhi Safari is a worthy exception. This film can be enjoyed by anyone, of whatever age group. Blame it on the inspirational message the story dramatically conveys
Delhi Safari (3D)
U; Animation
Dir: Nikhil Advani
Following a bunch of wild animals facing existential problems thanks to human excessiveness, the plot focuses on the journey they undertake from Mumbai to the Capital. Their ultimate aim is to make their voices heard in the Parliament. Well, you can excuse them for being naïve enough to believe in democracy more than we do. But the adventure they end up having seems full of life with a tint of cinema.
Almost all the characters somehow remind you of The Jungle Book and The Lion King. Since they are already the victims of humankind, they choose not to be victims of self-pity too. Moreover, the much-needed twist happens in the climax and then the movie ends.u00a0With voiceovers from mainstream Hindi actors, the film refers to several popular Bollywood moments and icons. Although these attempts may be lost on children who are too young to grasp, the deed is done and full of fun.
On the downside, the story unnecessarily drags on in the middle and tries to compensate by wrapping up a bit too early. Some lengthy boring songs should have been cut short, if not completely avoided. Needless to mention, the visual graphics isn’t up to mark vis-à-vis the international standards but it’s a promising trend.u00a0Nikhil Advani’s debut animation project manages to throw an effective punch: As long as the filmmakers have a story to share that can resonate with the general masses without being too preachy things are only bound improve in this particular genre.u00a0