As Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor prepare to tie the knot Tuesday, animal activist group PETA is set to present the couple a special gift - a flock of vegan chocolate chickens
"Kareena Kapoor is a vegetarian and refused to eat eggs while filming 'Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu'," Poorva Joshipura, People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India chief executive officer, said in a statement.
Photos: Saif and Kareena's sangeet ceremony
"What better occasion than this wedding of the year for PETA to honour Kareena's compassion and to do our part to get Saif and Kareena off to a deliciously sweet start in their new life together," Joshipura added.
Photos: Saif and Kareena's pre-wedding dinner
Saif and Kareena will have a registered marriage Tuesday at Saif's house in Mumbai and it will be attended by close friends and family members, which is said to be followed by a reception in the evening.