Bollywood veteran Rishi Kapoor and actor Riteish Deshmukh, known for their sense of humour, tickle our funny bones with jokes about married life on Twitter
Both Bollywood veteran Rishi Kapoor and actor Riteish Deshmukh are known for their sense of humour.
The duo regularly tickle our funny bone with their posts on Twitter. While the two have sometimes landed in controversy over their humorous tweets, that hasn't stopped them from continuing to regale us with jokes.
The two took to the micro-blogging site again and interestingly both cracked jokes about married life and how the wife is always right.
The 63-year-old actor posted an image of an ad from a newspaper which has a man looking to sell his set of Encyclopaedia Britannica because he is now married and his 'wife knows everything'.
— Rishi Kapoor (@chintskap) May 5, 2016
The 37-year-old actor, on the other hand, 'reveals' that there are two types of chromosomes that cause problems in a marriage -- the Ex and the why -- suggesting that divorcees and poeple questioning their spouse land up in trouble.
Two types of chromosomes cause marital problems
— Riteish Deshmukh (@Riteishd) May 7, 2016
Ex & why?