The fashion tour over the weekend really rocked the city. Day 1 saw designers Rina Dhaka, Rakesh Agarwal, Rohit Gandhi Rahul Khanna and Anand Kabra take centre stage as the party folks that included Leena Singh, back in the groove for a while, Ram and Sheetal Chugh, Raj Shroff and Dia Bhandary and Rubi and Imtiaz, cheered on. The resort line presented by Rina found many admirers and Kabra's old world designs were truly representative of the Begam era in his hometown Hyderabad
The fashion tour over the weekend really rocked the city. Day 1 saw designers Rina Dhaka, Rakesh Agarwal, Rohit Gandhi Rahul Khanna and Anand Kabra take centre stage as the party folks that included Leena Singh, back in the groove for a while, Ram and Sheetal Chugh, Raj Shroff and Dia Bhandary and Rubi and Imtiaz, cheered on. The resort line presented by Rina found many admirers and Kabra's old world designs were truly representative of the Begam era in his hometown Hyderabad. But it was the designer duo of Rohit and Rahul that stole the show. The lovely Giselli Monteiro was the show stopper for the designer.
Bridal splendour: Laxmi Rana
Designs on you: Sanchita Ajjampur
Haute couture: Dia Bhandari and Vani Ganapathy
Black beauty: Swati and Manjul Gupta
Hold on: Imtiaz and Rubiu00a0pics/ ramesh hs
Brothers in arms: Rahul Khanna and Rohit Gandhi
So sombre: Raakesh Agarvwal
Black and white: Prasad Bidappa