On the 57th birthday of Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt, producers Sandeep Singh and Omung Kumar have announced their next project starring the superstar in the lead role. The film will be the Hindi remake of the super hit Marathi film 'De Dhakka' that will be directed by the actor-director Mahesh Manjrekar
Sanjay Dutt
On the 57th birthday of Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt, producers Sandeep Singh and Omung Kumar have announced their next project starring the superstar in the lead role.
Under the banner of Sandeep Singh and Omung Kumar's production house ‘Legend Studios’, the film will be the Hindi remake of the super hit Marathi film 'De Dhakka' that will be directed by the actor-director Mahesh Manjrekar.
Sanjay Dutt
As per its Marathi version, the film promises to be a laughter riot blending with the emotional journey of a family.
The actor-director duo who have previously worked together in the super hit film 'Vaastav'.
The film is set to roll by the beginning of 2017 while the rest of the cast is yet to be finalised.
Speaking on this association, director Mahesh Manjrekar added, "I met Sanju after a long while and I realised he has matured a lot. Looked fresh and fit. Initially I was contemplating working with him as I wanted to work on something different, a kind of film which both haven't done before, something that would surprise the audience. Then "De Dhakka" came and I felt it was the perfect subject. Sanjay will have the family audience and youth rooting."
Producers Sandeep Singh and Omung Kumar said, “We are really proud to come into an association with Maheshji as producers and are very confident that De Dhakka's remake in Hindi will impress the audiences and critics equally as it did in Marathi."