Actor-filmmaker Sohail Khan returns to the small screen again. After making his TV debut as judge of Comedy Circus: Comedy Ka Naya Daur last year, he will judging the show's new season, titled "Kahaani Comedy Circus Ki"
Actor-filmmaker Sohail Khan returns to the small screen again. After making his TV debut as judge of Comedy Circus: Comedy Ka Naya Daur last year, he will judging the show's new season, titled "Kahaani Comedy Circus Ki".
The new season will go on air on Sony Entertainment Television Monday, said a source from the channel.
Like in the last season, Sohail will shoulder his responsibilities as a judge with actress Archana Puran Singh, who has been a constant on the show since the first season in 2007.
The new season will see participation from Kapil Sharma, Rajeev Thakur, Krushna Abhishek, Siddharth Jadhav and Rajeev Nigam, among others