At the trailer launch of the highly anticipated action film Baby John, lead stars Varun Dhawan and Wamiqa Gabbi praised the movie and encouraged fans to watch it. While Keerthy Suresh was absent, Varun honoured her with a special mention. The director of the film Kalees was also not present but filmmaker Atlee and his wife Priya, who is the film`s producer, spoke about the project. Atlee expressed his gratitude to the three superstars, Shah Rukh Khan, Vijay Thalapathy, and Salman Khan, for inspiring and supporting his creative journey in the industry. He mentioned that it was because of Shah Rukh Khan that he entered Bollywood. The `Jawan` director also revealed that `Baby John` for Varun Dhawan would be what `Animal` was for Ranbir Kapoor. The film is set to hit cinemas on October 25.