The actor -- who stars in the hit Twilight vampire movie franchise alongside Kristen -- has previously been very guarded about his love life but admitted at the BAFTA Awards after-party that he and Kristen are an item."
The actoru00a0-- who stars in the hit Twilight vampire movie franchise alongside Kristenu00a0-- has previously been very guarded about his love life but admitted at the BAFTA Awards after-party that he and Kristen are an item."
This was supposed to be a public appearance as a couple but it's impossible. We are here together and it's a public event but it's not easy. We have to do all this stuff to avoid attention." Robert, 23, insists they have only avoided going public with their relationship before now because they were worried about being hounded by obsessed fans. Speaking at the post-BAFTAs dinner held at London's Grosvenor House Hotel, he said: "It is extremely difficult but we are together, yes. We can't arrive at the same time because of the fans, it goes crazy.