A weekend kite-making workshop lets hidden secrets of math that make kite-flying an adrenaline-pumping local sport
Did you know that the weight of paper, and the angles at which it's cut, affects a kite's flying abilities? This, along with the understanding of a few basic principles of trigonometry, measurements and applying the laws of physics can help you design a kite of any shape. A new experiential workshop designed for school kids aims to introduce many such concepts using the kite as an example.
The workshop uses kites to teach a few lessons in maths
Scheduled to be held this Saturday, the full-day workshop will take kids to a scenic location in Panvel, where they will be taught how the various principles of mathematics and laws of physics come to play in kites. "We have seen that when kids are presented with real-life examples, they tend to be more engrossed in a topic and more interested in knowing the science behind it. It initiates a dialogue, which doesn't usually happen in a classroom," says Vipul Cheda, head of KshitijWorld, an experiential learning company, which has organised the workshop.
The team consists of members from various fields, but each enthusiastic about something. Charmi Gade, a physiotherapist by profession, is a kite enthusiast and will be conducting the workshop. "Using kites, we hope to introduce kids to some basic principles of trigonometry, geometry, measurements, angles, area, measurements, and some basic laws of physics, namely the thrust, lift, drag and weight," she adds. Gade informs that the workshop will include two sessions — the first, where kids will learn how to build three kites, and another where they will be taught the art of kite flying along with a practical understanding of various laws that come to play while flying kites.