National Award-winning filmmaker Gnana Rajasekaran is set to bring the genius of Srinivasa Ramanujan on screen with a film on the life and times of the world-famous mathematical prodigy
Real life has often inspired reel life and another such incidence is with the film Ramanujan, a biopic on the life of Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, who with no formal training in pure mathematics, made extraordinary contributions to the subject. Set in the early 1900s the film that is currently under production has been researched by National Award-winning director, Chennai-based Gnana Rajasekaran.
“Ramanujan was not only a mathematician, but also a genius of the highest order. His genius was not acknowledged by society; instead, he was pushed to pursue a normal path. His abnormal interest in mathematics was seen as a problem by the academia. What does society and academia do to a man who chooses to pursue a path less travelled? Ramanujan’s life is an answer to that. His life story is relevant to the society today,”
reasons Rajasekaran.
The film will be in English and Tamil as Ramanujan spoke both languages. “The events that took place in Kumbakonam (where he spent most of his life) and Cambridge (where he worked for a period), impacted Ramanujan’s life,” he shares. Abhinay Vaddi plays Ramanujan; it also features Malayali actress Bhama, Suhasini Mani Ratnam, Abbas, Nizhalgal Ravi, Delhi Ganesh, YG Mahendran and Sarath Babu, and British actors Kevin McGowan, Michael Lieber and Richard Walsh.
To lend authenticity to the project, the makers have shot a part in Ramanujan’s home maintained by Shastra University in Tamil Nadu. The film is slated to witness a mainstream release by the end of this year.u00a0