Mukesh Khanna who has famously portrayed the role of ‘Shaktimaan’ and ‘Bhishmapitamah’ in Mahabharat is known for his blunt opinions in the media. In this interview with Mid-day’s Katyayani Kapoor, Mukesh Khanna opened up on being disappointed by movies like Aadipurush for inappropriate representation of Mythological characters. He also praised the South Indian film industry for keeping the history intact while making historical films. Take a look.
15 January,2025 07:19 PM ISTMakar Sankranti 2025 is being celebrated on 14th January across India. Also known as Uttarayan and Pongal, this festival is celebrated in varied forms and rituals across different Indian states setting a perfect example of India’s unity in diversity. Cultural food is one of the major highlights of this festival as varied regional cuisines like Khichadi, Puran Poli, Gajak and many more are prepared especially on this day to celebrate the occasion. Why is Makar Sankranti celebrated and how does India celebrate it through food? Take a look
12 January,2025 05:00 PM ISTThe flavours of Biryani are here to steal your heart immediately. Kamat’s Legacy in Malad is organising a Biryani Food Festival which you must not miss. The festival offers a a wide range of Vegetarian Biryani and accompaniments at a steal deal of Rs. 599 + taxes. But how does Biryani get made at Restaurants and what does the Biryani platter taste like? Watch the video as Mid-day’s Katyayani Kapoor takes you through a journey of flavours in one of the best veg biryani in Mumbai.
21 December,2024 09:49 PM ISTActor Mukesh Khanna, better known as ‘Shaktimaan’ frequently keeps in the news due to his candid statements. But certainly this is not the only reason why he was trending this month. The comeback of Shaktimaan was announced recently, and since then there has been an intense discussion on who will play Shaktimaan. In 1997, when Mukesh Khanna appeared as Shaktimaan, he took the nation by storm. While this role made him even more popular than the role of ‘Bhishmapitmah’ did in Mahabharat, he credits his spiritual making to Mahabharat’s role that he ‘got by luck’ as he says. In this episode of Mid-day’s Straight Talk, in conversation with Katyayani Kapoor, Mukesh Khanna opens up on the concept of Marriage, Spirituality, Religion, Cinema and Controversies.
18 December,2024 06:00 PM ISTEach New Year brings with itself new hopes and challenges for the year ahead. However, certain years bring events that can change and reform the world for years to come. If the words of Scientific Astrologer Greenstone Lobo are to be believed, year 2025 might turn out to be just that. In this episode of Straight Talks, Mid–day’s Katyayani Kapoor speaks to Lobo on the year 2025 predictions, event predictions and major life themes to watch out for in the upcoming year. Watch Astrology Predictions for New Year 2025 in this exclusive interview.
18 December,2024 05:00 PM ISTHave you been to a Circus lately? If not, take this as a sign to visit one and head to Rambo Circus in Borivali. The history of Circus in India dates back to 135 years and when it comes to Rambo Circus, it has been entertaining its audience with hair-raising stunts since 1991. What goes on behind the scenes of the life of a circus artist? Mid-day’s Katyayani Kapoor takes you through in this exclusive episode of Inside Access. Take a look.
12 December,2024 06:00 PM ISTBe it stores in shopping malls or online shopping portals, Black Friday deals are everywhere. Shopping enthusiasts sometimes even wait for months to grab their favourite items specifically on this day. Black Friday, celebrated the day after Thanksgiving in the United States, marks the unofficial start of the holiday shopping season. But what is Black Friday and why is it celebrated? Take a look.
28 November,2024 04:29 PM ISTBringing much joy to the tourists, services of the iconic Matheran-Neral mini toy train resumed after a short break in the monsoon season. The train, with a history of over 150 years covers around 20 kilometres of journey, offering people a scenic route through the small hill station. Swapnil Nila, the Chief Public Relations Officer (CRPO) of Central Railways said that the train was stopped on June 8th because of the monsoon season and was started on November 6. The train reportedly transports 600-700 passengers on average every day. This toy train starts from Neral and ends at Matheran and takes around 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete. The elevation starts from 40 meters above sea level and then steadily climbs to 850 meters at Matheran. The train usually runs twice from Neral to Matheran from Monday to Friday and offers six shuttle services from Aman Lodge to Matheran.
08 November,2024 06:31 PM ISTPost the US Elections 2024 win, Republican Candidate Donald Trump will be taking office as the President of the United States. This also marks the second time when Donald Trump’s wife Melania Trump will be serving as the First Lady of the United States. Donald and Melania’s relationship has always been under scrutiny. Their relationship journey has been full of ups and down plagued by allegations of affairs and sexual misconduct. Media reports have frequently predicted and reported on their possible divorce yet both of them stand as a power couple after two decades of marriage. How did their relationship begin and shape up through all the challenges? Take a look
06 November,2024 07:12 PM ISTCrores of people in India celebrate Chhath Puja. In fact, this is known to be one of the oldest festivals of India. This 4-day festival of India pays respect to the Sun God and his sister Chhati Maiyya. This ancient tradition reminds us of our connection with nature and the importance of gratitude. But why is this festival celebrated and how? Take a look as India celebrates Chhath Puja 2024.
06 November,2024 05:54 PM ISTThe festival of lights Diwali 2024 is here. This is known to be one of the most auspicious times of the year and conducting Laxmi Puja on Diwali is considered to be highly blissful. In this video, Varun Panditji explains how to do Diwali Laxmi Puja Vidhi in a simple way. Take a look.
29 October,2024 05:59 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT