Dear Diana, My boyfriend and I are both 24 and are going strong. We are both employed and financially independent.
My guy loves sending romantic text messages while I refrain from it. And that rare instance when I do send him, I make it a point to check his cell phone to ensure that he has deleted it. He finds this strange but I am scared of sending him such SMSes just in case if anyone else happens to read it. I don’t want anyone to know that I have been sending him such messages.
— Ravisha
Dear Ravisha,
I can understand your apprehensions and fears. You want to play safe and not be caught. From your poser, it is clear that your folks are unaware of the relationship. Make him understand why you are so cautious. Meanwhile, if you are serious about him, let your folks be aware of the presence of a guy in your life. Also, your guy can perhaps lock his cell so that no one else can access and read his messages. You can also make him promise you that once he has read and reread your message, he promptly deletes it. Once you are sure of a future with him, you can then dart off message after message to him. u00a0
Diana will solve it!
Write to Diana at [email protected], or fax her on 24150009. You can also post letters to Dear Diana, Mid Day, Peninsula Centre, Dr S S Rao Road, opp Mahatma Gandhi Hospital, Parel, Mumbai 400012