Dear Diana, I'm a HSC student and my board exams are going on. I can call myself decent at studies but going by my performance in the ongoing exams, I believe I've slipped a lot.
The truth is I’ve fallen in love with a girl from our coaching classes and haven’t been able to get her off my mind. In fact, I keep seeing her face on the answer sheets as well! The worst part is my parents are under the impression that I’m doing fine when that’s not the case. What do I do?
— Garry
Dear Garry,
Goodness gracious! This is a crucial exam for you especially if you are appearing for entrance exams for professional courses. At this stage of your life, it is important to concentrate on your studies. Love can happen later in life. You seem to be besotted by this girl. Perhaps she is the only girl you have met. Whatever papers are left, give your maximum to it. Remember it is important you do well. You don’t even know if she likes you, so don’t waste time thinking about her.
Diana will solve it!
Write to Diana at [email protected], or fax her on 24150009. You can also post letters to Dear Diana, Mid Day, Peninsula Centre, Dr S S Rao Road, opp Mahatma Gandhi Hospital, Parel, Mumbai 400012