On Wednesday, the police conducted a search operation in Bandra Talao to recover the knife used in the attack, as well as the clothes worn by the accused on January 16, when he allegedly stabbed the 54-year-old actor at his Bandra home during a robbery attempt
Cops look for evidence near Bandra Talao on Wednesday. PIC/SAYYED SAMEER ABEDI
The Mumbai Police are looking for crucial evidence in the Saif Ali Khan attack case.
On Wednesday, the police conducted a search operation in Bandra Talao to recover the knife used in the attack, as well as the clothes worn by the accused on January 16, when he allegedly stabbed the 54-year-old actor at his Bandra home during a robbery attempt.
The CCTV cameras in the area had captured visuals of the accused walking towards Bandra station around 7.30 am on January 16, merely hours after the attack.
Mumbai Police suspect that Fakir dumped the knife and the clothes in Bandra Talao after the incident.
Outside Bandra station, the accused spent around 20 minutes to decide on travelling by train. At 8.35 am, he took a train from Bandra to Dadar Railway Station, the cops said.
Earlier, the police said that Fakir, who is a Bangladeshi national, entered Khan's building by scaling its compound wall and went inside the main entrance after finding the security guards asleep.
As per PTI, the Mumbai Police on Tuesday recreated the crime scene with the accused at the actor's residence in Bandra West's Satguru Sharan building.
Khan was repeatedly stabbed by the 30-year-old intruder inside his 12th-floor apartment in the early hours of January 16.
The Bollywood actor sustained multiple stab injuries in the attack and underwent an emergency surgery at the Lilavati Hospital. He was discharged on Tuesday, PTI cited.
The police arrested the accused in neighbouring Thane on January 19.
In order to recreate the crime scene in the Saif Ali Khan attack case, the police took Fakir to the actor's building as well as at other places that he possibly visited to have food, change clothes and board a train, the official said on Tuesday, PTI cited.
"Both the security guards in the building, where actor Saif Ali Khan resides, were sleeping when his attacker entered it by crossing over the boundary wall," the official said.
"As the accused found both the security guards in deep slumber, he entered the building from the main entrance where no CCTV camera had been installed. The accused removed his shoes and kept them in his bag to avoid making any noise and also switched off his phone," he said, PTI cited.
During a police investigation, they found there were no CCTV cameras installed in the building's corridor, the official said.
"The investigation revealed that one of the two security guards was sleeping in the cabin and the other near the gate," he added.