The Stud Book Authority of India had in exasperation and sheer desperation sent out a press release to media houses to stop referring to Hasan Ali Khan as a, "Pune-based stud farm owner" some time ago.
The Stud Book Authority of India had in exasperation and sheer desperation sent out a press release to media houses to stop referring to Hasan Ali Khan as a, "Pune-based stud farm owner" some time ago.
Hasan Ali, in the eye of a storm, is frequently referred to as a stud farm owner. Satish Iyer, registrar, Stud Book Authority of India had said via telephone from the Book's Pune office, "The Stud Book Authority of India the authority that registers stud farms, states that Hasan Ali Khan or his family do not own a stud farm anywhere in India at all."
Iyer had added that there is another body called the National Horse Breeding Society of India, which is equally concerned at the misconception.
The Stud Book Authority of India is the registering body for horses in India.
Iyer explained, "The Authority, which has been functional since 1935, functions like the Road Transport Organisation (RTO) that registers vehicles." Vivek Jain, chairman, RWITC added, "Hasan Ali Khan is a race horse owner and is not a breeder.
He owns approximately a dozen horses. The Pune Breeders fraternity, especially, was concerned about him being wrongly called a stud farm owner."
Faisal Abbas, Hasan Ali's brother-in-law is a horse trainer, often seen at the Mahalaxmi racecourse.u00a0