Three persons arrested with fake notes worth Rs 3.5 lakh by the anti-narcotics cell have revealed that there is an acute shortage of fake notes in Gujarat; trio said that all the counterfeit currency in the state arrives from Bangladesh and is routed to Mumbai
Officials from the Worli unit of anti-narcotics cell busted an inter-state fake currency racket yesterday. The cops have arrested three people from Mahim, and have recovered fake notes amounting to Rs 3.5 lakh from them.
However, the arrest led to a startling revelation. Cops suspect that a huge amount of fake currency has been circulated in Gujarat for the upcoming elections.
“The accused have told us there is an acute shortage of fake notes in Gujarat. With polling scheduled to be held on December 13 and 17, the counterfeit notes, which had come from Bangladesh, have been utilised within the state,” said PI Rajendra Sangale of Worli Unit.
During interrogation the trio also confessed the fake currency that comes from Bangladesh is routed to Mumbai via Gujarat.
This is the second such arrest in the city within a week where fake currency racket having links in Gujarat has been exposed.
A dew day ago, the crime branch sleuths of Jamnagar district had arrested a Matunga-based businessman Dhirajlal Manilal for buying fake currency from a person who was arrested for running fake currency racket.u00a0