BJP MLC Vinod Tawde says his Gudi Padwa greetings to 5,000 people from various spheres of life aren't just to create mass base: they help women's self help groups too
BJP MLC Vinod Tawde says his Gudi Padwa greetings to 5,000 people from various spheres of life aren't just to create mass base: they help women's self help groups too
Politicians in the state could take a lesson or two from BJP General Secretary and MLC Vinod Tawde on the art of public relations and socio-business networking.
Tawde could arguably be the only politician, who sends a Gudi Padwa greeting card and a miniature Gudi (see box) to nearly 5,000 people across the state from various walks of life.
BJP General Secretary Vinod Tawde is the only politician who sends a Gudi Padwa greeting card and miniature Gudi to nearly 5,000 people across the state
Each year, Tawde chooses people from various streams of life to greet (see box). This time the chosen categories of recipients are Prantadhikaris, librarians of public libraries, doctors and newly elected office bearers of his party.
Tawde says his initiative is not only to create a mass base among people, but has a social motive: that of helping women's groups.
The Gudis sent are made by workers of women's self-help groups in the city. The idea is to aide the women financially.
The greetings and Gudis are sent across the board to all persons in the category decided.
Every year, Tawde chooses the festivities of Gudi Padwa and Dussehra to send his compliments so they are not lost in the mass messages that people receive on bigger occasions like Diwali.
"Most people tend to send greetings during Diwali, but most of these are ignored because of the large numbers they are sent in. It is the personal assistants of people who go through them.
Therefore, I decided to send Gudi Padwa greetings, so people take notice," he said.
Not only are people surprised by the fact that a politician personally unknown to them can send them a greeting, they also engage in a dialogue with Tawde by responding to the letter and the Gudi.
"They appreciate that a politician has sent it. They write back to me and stay in touch. In some cases, when I call up a police inspector, an official or an artist, they remember me and acknowledge the Gudi I sent them," said Tawde.
The greetings are not a mass-manufactured perfunctory formality, sources say, but have a personal touch. Tawde himself signs each greeting letter.
Besides, in each category, the letter is not simply addressed to a title, say 'The tehsildar', but the names of the title-holders are found out and mentioned in the letter.
The letter does not have symbols or photographs of himself or his party leaders and is addressed in his capacity as an MLC.
Categories of addressees
2011:u00a0 Prantadhikari, librarians of public libraries, doctors, BJP office bearers, councillors of BJP's alliance party in the state
2010: Media photographers, journalists, tehsildars and literateurs
2009: TV actors, Marathi stage actors, district collectors
2008: IAS and IPS officials, private secretaries to ministers
2007: Prithvi theatre activists, NCPA activist, senior police inspectors, assistant police commissioners
* Padmashri and Padma Bhushan winners every year receive Tawde's greetings too.
Gudi Padwa
It is celebrated on the first day of the Chaitra month to mark the beginning of the Hindu New Year. u00a0According to the Georgian calendar, it falls on April 4 this year.
Gudi is a bright green or yellow cloth adorned with brocade (zari) tied to the tip of a long bamboo over which gathi (sugar crystals), neem leaves, a twig of mango leaves and a garland of red flowers are tied.
A silver or copper pot is inverted over it. This gudi is then hoisted outside the house, in a window, terrace or a high place for everybody to see it.