On December 6, an illegal agent named D Shirke allegedly assaulted Sachin Kotapkar, a RTO staff, after the latter asked him to vacate a cabin which he had entered without permission.
Illegal agents at Andheri RTO have become a menace for the officials there. On December 6, an illegal agent named D Shirke allegedly assaulted Sachin Kotapkar, a RTO staff, after the latter asked him to vacate a cabin which he had entered without permission.
Explaining the series of events, a RTO official said that the incident of assault on the license officer occurred on Wednesday afternoon. "Kotapkar was inside the confidential cabin when Shirke entered and demanded changes to be made in a document. This is when Shirke was asked to leave the room as outsiders are not permitted and an argument ensued," said a RTO official.
An upset Shirke then apparently verbally threatened Kotapkar and asked the latter to come out of the cabin.
This is when Shirke allegedly physicallyu00a0assaulted the RTO officer, who is responsible for verifying driving licenses and checking if all information is in order,u00a0u00a0by pushing him against the wall and beating him. Later the senior RTO officials registered a police complaint.