Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray on Tuesday slammed the high level of security and 'special treatment' accorded to Mohammed Ajmal Amir Qasab, the lone Pakistani terrorist captured during the Mumbai attacks, and demanded that his trial be wrapped up within a month.
Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray on Tuesday slammed the high level of security and 'special treatment' accorded to Mohammed Ajmal Amir Qasab, the lone Pakistani terrorist captured during the Mumbai attacks, and demanded that his trial be wrapped up within a month.
In a scathing editorial in Saamna, the party mouthpiece, Thackeray said that a huge amount of taxpayers' money has been wasted in providing security to 'Qasab Saheb' (Qasab Sir).
"So much security is not even provided to the country's prime minister. All this because we want to prove to the world that we are such a strong democracy and that we will give an opportunity of defence to even those who attack us and destroy our country," the signed editorial noted.
Thackeray alleged that with the Indian government taking care of all his needs, Qasab - who appeared in court wearing jeans, T-shirt and perfume - must have started loving life in an Indian prison as compared to impoverished Pakistan.
Hence, 'Qasab Saheb' has suddenly remembered that he is below 18 years of age, and that the motive was to capture Jammu and Kashmir after the government appointed lawyer SG Abbas Kazmi to defend him.
"At this rate, the trial will go from lower courts to higher courts and then for a presidential pardon, as in the case of Afzal Guru," the editorial pointed out.
It urged that the trial be completed within a fortnight to a month; Qasab should be given punishment against which he cannot appeal in any higher court and the matter be disposed of.
Thackeray also said that not a single paise should be paid as fees to the concerned legal people - Special Judge ML Tahilyani, Special Public Prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam and government-appointed defence lawyer Kazmi.
"For rendering this service, they will not suffer much and the public will ultimately reward them. The government must not be burdened with the expenses of the trial. First decide the date of hanging 'Qasab Saheb' then conduct the trial accordingly," the edit said.