Maharashtra Governor CP Radhakrishnan on Sunday said 2.46 crore women have been provided a collective assistance of Rs 21,000 crore under the government's Ladki Bahin scheme
Addressing the Republic Day function at the Shivaji Park in Mumbai, the governor also said Maharashtra stands first in the country in attracting the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
"I appeal to all to resolve to form a new and strong Maharashtra. We must all work together to make our dream of one trillion dollar economy, a reality," he said
Under the state government's flagship Ladki Bahin scheme, touted to have played a major role in the BJP-led Mahayuti's win the assembly polls last year, the eligible women are provided Rs 1,500 per month
The governor said nearly 2.46 crore women have been given the benefit of about Rs 21,000 crore from July to December 2024 under the scheme, implemented for their economic independence, ameliorating their health and strengthening their decision-making role
Also, financial assistance of more than Rs 2,800 crore has been credited to the bank accounts of over 68 lakh cotton and soybean farmers for the Kharif season of 2023, he noted, while also mentioning about welfare initiatives for the third gender and the Matang community
"It is a matter of great pride that Maharashtra remains the most preferred destination for FDI and stands first in the nation in attracting FDI," he said
Under the Pumped Storage Projects policy, MoUs have been signed for 38 projects through the Public Private Partnership, to help generate 55,970 MW of electricity and attract an investment of Rs 2.95 lakh crore, he said