Maharashtra BJP spokesperson Madhav Bhandari talks to Chandran Iyer about former MP Anna Joshi's defection and the consequences of Pravin Mahajan's book
Maharashtra BJP spokesperson Madhav Bhandari talks to Chandran Iyer about former MP Anna Joshi's defection and the consequences of Pravin Mahajan's book
Former BJP MP Anna Joshi has said he joined the NCP because the BJP humiliated him.
Anna Joshi should have displayed better grace and magnanimity instead of stooping so low and joining the NCP because he was denied a ticket. Joshi's behaviour does not suit him. The party made him a corporator, MLA twice and then an MP. What more does he want in his twilight years? He is 74.
Joshi says he called the state BJP president 25 times, but was not given even an audience.
A veteran worker like him should have voluntarily stepped aside and made way for youngsters. There's no point in reacting to what he says.
Joshi's main grouse is that he has been sidelined not just in this elections, but for the last 15 years?
There are hundreds of workers who are equally senior and very much respected who give their time and energy to the party, but have not contested a single election. Yet, they do not crib.
The English translation of Pravin Mahajan's book Maza Album (My Album) is rumoured to show BJP leaders Gopinath Munde and the late Pramod Mahajan in a poor light. Will this affect BJP's poll prospects?
It will not have any effect on the BJP. After all, who is going to believe the words of a man who is in jail for killing hisu00a0 brother? Where is the authenticity in his allegations? All this is being done only for money and cheap publicity.
There is a strong perception that MNS fighting the BJP-Shiv Sena combine this elections will spell doom for the saffron alliance.
We don't think it will have much effect on the Assembly elections.